Refund Policy

  • Is it possible to get a refund?

The only way in which you will receive a refund is if we do not deliver your order within five days of the time in which you first placed your order. This is in case if the shipment time specified is lesser than five days for the product. If the given time for the delivery is longer than five days, the refund is possible after the given time. However, if your order has been delivered promptly and completely, we will not issue a refund.

  • What If I change my mind after I complete my order, can I cancel it and get a refund?

We give refunds only if we have not yet placed an order. If your order is in a queue or being processed, your order has been placed, and therefore we cannot refund you.

The protection of consumers is one of the wide topics in every business sector. Yet, nearly every sector has its own services for keeping consumer rights and providing consumer satisfaction. To avoid out-of-favor situations, the refund policy has the potency for consumer satisfaction.

Since we provide consumer rights, we also put emphasis on the refund policy. Many consumers ask about the possibility of the issued a refund. According to our refund policy, the only way that you can get a refund is in case of if you do not get delivered your order in the given time in which you first placed your order.

However, if your order has been delivered promptly and completely, we will not issue a refund. One of the most frequently asked questions is: ‘If I change my mind after I complete my order, can I cancel it and get a refund?’

As for our refund policy, we give refunds only if we have not yet placed an order. If your order is in a queue or being processed, your order has been placed, and therefore we cannot refund you.

Order Cancellation Refund Policy : A customer may request an order cancellation by opening a Support Ticket on our site or by emailing However, once an order is In Progress we cannot guarantee that the order can be stopped. If the order can be stopped a refund will be issued for any undelivered services. In case of partial delivery, if we are able to stop the service, we will cancel the order and refund it to your balance as follows: the amount of the service units already delivered will be deducted from the total amount of your refund (a refund will be issued for any undelivered services). In the case of full delivery, no refund will be made. If the order is canceled by our system because of technical or delivery issues a refund will be issued for any undelivered services. Services Refill / Refund Policy We offer a variety of services and they all have different delivery methods and features. Many of our services come with a refill/restart if the services we deliver drop. However, some of our services come with no refill/restart and some come with a refill only for a specific timeframe (after the order is placed). It is important that you review the Service Description before placing all orders so that you are familiar with the refill policy. Any time there is a problem with an order please open a Support Ticket and let us know. If the service purchased comes with a refill we will restart the order to complete the delivery and if we are unable to complete the order we will issue a refund for any undelivered services.

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